The reality competition series Alone follows survivalists as they attempt to outlast each other in the wilderness with a limited amount of equipment for a grand prize of $500,000. The show is filmed in hostile locations from Vancouver Island, British Colombia to Patagonia, Argentina, to Mongolia. Season 7 victor Roland Welker lasted the longest in the show's history, surviving 100 days in Northwest Canada. Colby Donaldson hosted Season 7 of Alone.
Network: History
First Episode Date: June 18, 2015
Alone winners:
- Alan Kay (56 Days)
- David McIntyre (66 Days)
- Zachary Fowler (87 Days)
- Jim and Ted Baird (75 Days)
- Sam Larson (60 Days)
- Jordan Jonas (77 Days)
- Roland Welker (100 Days)
Where to Watch: Netflix, Hulu, Discovery Plus